
魔兽世界 虚空大君,艾露恩与虚空大君

历史趣闻     2023-8-3     点评:19举报

在 [@麦德三世] 和 [@kzballarat] 的帮助下翻译了Lorekeeper网站采访制作总监PATRICK DAWSON的文章。节选了其中的剧情相关部分。

[Can] The Black Empire is a huge part of the Warcraft universe, and especially lore geeks like us were looking forward to seeing it in all of its glory for years. Are you worried that you might be wrapping this particular story thread a bit too quickly in just a patch, or can we look forward to more in the future?


You never know where we’re going to end up going in the future. There is a chance we can revisit the Black Empire in more depth. We don’t have any plans to make it today. But I think if you look back at World of Warcraft’s history and lore, any content update we do tends to be pretty heavy. We did the entirety of Argus in a content update and that’s a whole planet that had tremendous depth to it. The Black Empire… We are not going there as much as we are focusing just on N’Zoth and Ny’alotha itself. So we’re definitely leaving that door open for the future. But I think we’re all pretty happy and proud of the offering we have, of what you get to explore in Ny’alotha, the ability to take down the final Old God of Azeroth. It’s going to be exciting.


In the Big Bad Evil section… Most characters are no longer ahead of us (in our way) in the World of Warcraft universe. N’zoth is the last (one) remaining and (we are) killing a great evil character in a raid. So where are the Void Lords in this part?


Is the question about the villains in general or the Void Lords? I’ll try to address both.


Yes, we are killing the last Old God. We do big things, we’ve done it before; it is going to be really interesting to see how Void Lords react to their last agent dying. You are not necessarily going to get the answers in Visions of N’Zoth, but this certainly sets the table for answering that question in the future. Void Lords are definitely paying attention, they know what’s happening; they are probably not happy about this. That’ll probably be answered later.


For villains in the future, I think World of Warcraft has such a tremendous immense lore. We have not only a giant list of people in the universe that we can go visit, explore, and really dive into depths with here, but… I only spoke on the Visions (of N’Zoth) but thinking about the next expansion too, that’s a completely new place that we’ve never been to, which allows us to be really creative with some of those people and the stories behind it. It doesn’t necessarily have the same history that our cosmos does with the Void Lords. There is a rich story ahead of us here, both in Shadowlands and beyond that I’m super excited about. And I think the actions of what’s happening right now on Azeroth, with Visions of N’Zoth will help influence with that future.


Besides Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms, are we going to see new zones invaded by N’Zoth over time?


For Visions of N’Zoth, we are really looking at Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Those are the two zones that are going to be under attack. There are reasons for that. There are ancient titan constructs that exist in those zones so he is really focused on those areas in particular to try to gain a foothold there. So the assaults will be pretty persistent in those two zones for you to go out and try to defend against.


[Ezgi] I still have this ominous looking, ugly eye on my head… Will N’Zoth senpai notice me? And without getting too much into spoiler territory, will those who kept the Gift (of N’Zoth) be awarded or treated differently somehow?


I have the eye on my head as well. Player choice is something that we’ve really been experimenting with in Battle for Azeroth, whether you were a Sylvanas loyalist or a defector, or for Alliance and everyone, you get the option to do the eye thing or not. I don’t know if there is anything in 8.3 that we have where you’re going to have a drastic effect on that. The PvP mode that I was talking about before is a little bit tied and themed into that. If you want to give yourself to your tentacle-y overlord, you can choose to do so and become aggressive to your entire faction. That’s a pretty cool thing we’re playing with and that’s a player choice you can make if you want to succumb to his power in that way.


(Editor’s note: Please keep in mind that Wowhead recently had an interview with Mike Bybee and Steve Danuser, in which they stated that those who kept the Gift of N’Zoth will see some small adjustments to the story and gameplay tailored for those players.

(编者注:要知道,wowhead最近有一篇对Mike Bybee and Steve Danuser的采访,他们当时表示保留了恩佐斯之赐的玩家会得到量身定做的故事,游戏玩法也会有一些小调整。

Quoting Mike Bybee: “…there are aspects of story and gameplay that will be adjusted based on if you kept the Gift of N’Zoth.”

Quoting Steve Danuser: “…we wanted to recognize that and give you some special and appropriate little extra layers of story and content.”)

引用Mike Bybee: “……如果你保留了恩佐斯之赐,一些故事和游戏性将根据你的选择出现调整。“

引用Steve Danuser “……(前文:Similarly to how we handled the situation if you were loyal to Sylvanas 就像我们对忠于希尔瓦娜斯的玩家做的一样),我们认可你保留了“恩佐斯之赐”的行动,而且会提供一些合适、而且特殊的额外剧情与游戏内容。”)

Since we are fighting an Old God in the next patch, I have a lore question. When can we see the interaction between the Old Gods and the Void Lords in the game or in the lore?

Also one more question… After playing 8.3, what is the true intention of Wrathion?



That’s a great question. So to answer your question about the Void Lords first… I’m not sure if there is anywhere in the game today you can see that interaction. I think we have alluded to it in other media like we have comics, stories, general things we do outside of the game itself to tell that story. I think at some point you absolutely will see us tell that story more in the game. For the purposes of Visions of N’Zoth, it’s really focused on N’Zoth himself and not the Void Lords because you have an immediate threat that you need to take care of right now. But obviously that will garner the attention of the Void Lords in some way, shape, or form. And there is a lot of story there to tell in the future.


As for Wrathion… Well, he is an interesting character. He is your ally, he is helping you out, giving you a Legendary Cloak but he is very mysterious and you never really know what he is up to. You never really know his plan. Clearly he sees the need for us to take care of N’Zoth right now and this threat to our world. He has got a lot righting on this too, so he’s definitely your buddy. For the future, who knows? He tends to vanish and disappear for a while, and you really never know what he is up to. So I think there is a lot more story to tell. He is a deep, rich character that has come about since Cataclysm days, and he’s really evolved over time.


[Mira?] My question is related to the Death Knights of the allied races. We are going to have a storyline with Bolvar but this is going to be open to players who have pre-purchased the next expansion. In a chronological way, are we going to play that storyline as if it is some time in the future, or does it actually take place when we play it?


Also, is it possible to play an allied race Death Knight and get the Heritage Armor?


Yes to your second question. You can play any allied race Death Knight, you’ll get Heritage armor for leveling naturally to 110.


For the first one about the story… For Visions of N’Zoth, we wanted to allow people that are going to be joining us in Shadowlands to get a head start on playing these allied races. That’s going to be a really cool experience that we’re super excited about. At some point, I do imagine that when we get to that expansion, when everyone is playing it, everyone will be able to play those characters. It’s going to be an interesting moment for people to see what it is like to be raised as a Lightforged Draenei Death Knight. It is kind of antithetical. For me, even before that, going Lightforged Draenei Shadow Priest was kind of that completely opposite fantasy which is something I really like to play with. Dark Iron Dwarf Holy Priest was another I tried too. They are just fun to do, and I’m really glad that we do have the opportunity to open this up to more people so that you can play with the race that speaks to you with the class that you want to play.

The allied race Death Knight experience is not (taking place) in the future, it is in the present.


Will we see in-game sources or storylines that will teach us more about the Old Gods, their motivations and nature? We can think of the lore but it’s lore about the knowledge of Old Gods and Void Lords, and the rest is externals from the game currently.


Even though the Old Gods have been villains and enemies that we’ve killed, we certainly haven’t explained a lot in game around that, and that’s intentional. You don’t necessarily see or know their motivations, of their origins, where they came from, or why they are on Azeroth. You don’t know exactly what is going on with the Void Lords and what their ultimate goals and plans are. We do explain a little bit more out of the game, but that’s a large vector for us to explore in game, should we choose to do so in the future. Obviously there is a lot there, this book is not done, the door is not closed. We may be killing the last one but it provides just as many questions as it does answers.


Are the new allied races (mechagnomes and vulpera) that are coming with Visions of N’Zoth going to be somewhat related to the lore of N’Zoth, or are they just like the races recruited during the expansion?


As you’ve gone through Battle for Azeroth, you’ve met the vulpera and especially in Rise of Azshara, you’ve really got to meet the mechagnomes. You’ve got to learn a little bit more about their story. This story isn’t tied to Visions of N’Zoth for either of those two races, it is tied more to Battle for Azeroth as a whole. So you’ll get to experience what it’s like to recruit them into your allegiance with the Horde or the Alliance.


Are we going to see Arthas back in Shadowlands? And is there a chance that we might see some characters that died during Legion like Varian or Gul’dan?


Shadowlands absolutely provides us an opportunity to explore some of those stories in more depth. I think we talked about some of the more major characters at BlizzCon like Draka, and there are others as well.


Arthas himself, I don’t think, is going to be a major focus. You may run into him in Shadowlands, but the story of Shadowlands isn’t about Arthas. It is more about Sylvanas, the Jailer, what is going on, how the machine of death is broken and how we need to fix that. And Arthas isn’t really a huge player in that game. You may find him, you may see him, you may interact with him but I think there are some other players that are going to help you out a little bit more.



[Ezgi] My question is not strictly 8.3 related but it has some kind of relation to it. As we know, from a lore point of view, that Horde and Alliance decided to “break the cycle.” But as we know from BlizzCon, there will be no faction merge or “Let’s be friends and play together!” situation. Do you have any plans to address this or maybe even ease the faction restrictions? Will we see any progress towards “breaking the cycle” in 8.3?


In terms of breaking the cycle, that was definitely a really powerful story moment for us. It doesn’t come with any gameplay changes as of now. In the future, you never know what is going to happen, where the story is going to take us, and what makes sense for the game.


To me as a Horde player, I actually still enjoy going out in the world PvP and smashing Alliance. That feels good! And I think there is a large part of our player base that still needs that, and we want to serve that too.


In terms of cross-faction though, we’ve experimented with that a little bit internally to see what it’d feel like. We don’t have anything to announce today but it’s a cool idea.


As a Horde main player, I’d like to play with some allied races of the Alliance but it is quite challenging to unlock some of them. Are you going to add some catch-up mechanics?


As a Horde player myself, I have the same experience. I actually just got my Kul Tiran allied race about two weeks ago. It is quite challenging than getting the ones like Zandalari trolls; that one I almost just got by logging in because I was as progressed as I could be with my Horde characters.


We’ve gone back and loosened restrictions on previous allied races in the past. I think that’s something that we feel good about and we’ll probably continue to do as time goes on. I think what the core concepts of allied races that have really resonated with the fans is that it is a story, it is how you recruit these people as allies. Learning that story, going through that process… There is a meaning behind it. So as a Horde player, not knowing much about the Kul Tiran culture or race at all, it seems like you’ll probably want to know a little bit about that before you get the ability to recruit them into your Alliance. So going back and doing that is important.


In terms of the restrictions we have on it today, I don’t think we have any plans to lower it right now but we’ve done that in the past, and I think it’s something we can consider doing in the future.


[Can] There was an announcement that you were planning to find a way to give players patch music, starting with 8.3. Are you going to treat us with older expansions’ patch music as well?


I actually don’t know what our plans are for the patch music portion of it or the music of World of Warcraft. I can follow up with one of my producers who would know a little bit more about that. I do know the music that we can pump out has been absolutely phenomenal, and we’ve done some of the best work in Battle for Azeroth that we’ve ever done.


I know this is more sound effects related than music but we had a cool team demonstration of how they made some sound effects for the Visions, and the Horrific Visions specifically to make it sound more Old God-like, where one of our sound designers actually built an instrument out of a metal trash can, some hangers and a cello bow, and actually tried to play the vocal cords of what an Old God might sound like. The creativity down there is second to none, and of course we’d want to share that with the community. I’ll try to get you the details on that after the interview.


Additional info received after the interview:

We will start with our current Visions of N’Zoth patch and continue to release updates going forward. As time permits, we will go back and release prior patch music as well.




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魔兽世界 虚空大君,艾露恩与虚空大君





魔兽世界 虚空大君,艾露恩与虚空大君












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